We are committed to making the central referral process as smooth and efficient as possible for GPs, GIs, and our patients. Since January 2, 2018, we have implemented a major change in the way we process referrals, migrating all triage activities to our shared EMR (Plexia). Our main goal is to improve efficiency and communication with referring physicians as their patient moves through key checkpoints in the triage and booking process.
GI Central Access and Triage (GI CAT)
Contact Information for Medical Offices ONLY
Fax: 1-888-398-7091
One of our Gastroenterologists is available for phone advice 08:00 – 17:00 weekdays through the South Island RACE program. This service is accessible to Primary Care Physicians by downloading the RACE app on your iPhone or Android device.
After complete review of your referral by a GI physician, some patients may benefit sooner from further management by their primary care physician, guided by Gastroenterology and Family Physician developed care pathways. The referral is closed and sent back to the referring physician with a 6-page Enhanced Primary Care Pathway which includes the following:
There are new effective treatments for all genotypes of Hepatitis C that will achieve cure in over 95% of patients. BC Pharmacare now covers the treatment of Hepatitis C for all patients. Patients need to be seen by a physician experienced in the treatment of Hepatitis C in order to be given the appropriate treatment plan. However, for most patients the treatment will be a 3-month oral regimen that requires little to no monitoring. Patients would then be checked for eradication of the virus 6 months after completion of treatment.
To streamline the referral process for Hepatitis C, once a referral is received by GI Central Access and Triage (GI CAT) and reviewed by a Gastroenterologist, the referral will be forwarded to PerCuro (a Victoria-based company comprising two divisions: clinical research and health sciences). PerCuro nurses will then ensure patients have had all their preliminary blood work done, and gather the necessary information that is required for a Gastroenterologist consultation. Nurses will do an assessment of fibrosis based on blood work, and if the blood work or abdominal ultrasound suggests more than minimal fibrosis, an elastography will be arranged.
These patients are then seen in dedicated Hepatitis C clinics at PerCuro by one of the three Gastroenterologists (Drs. Cruz-Pereira, Pai, or Pearson) with a special interest in Hepatitis C. Patients with no significant fibrosis who are successfully treated, do not require further follow-up and are therefore discharged back to their Primary Care Physician. Those few patients for whom treatment fails, or those who were found to have cirrhosis, are followed up by a Gastroenterologist.
Patients with decompensated cirrhosis, or history of hepatocellular carcinoma, may not be a good candidates for treatment for Hepatitis C. These patients are seen by a Gastroenterologist prior to deciding to pursue treatment.
The Vancouver Island IBD Clinic provides world-class care to more than 2000 Island residents with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. We aim to continuously improve IBD diagnosis and treatment, ensuring continuity of care and treatment approaches that are evidence-based and responsive to patients’ unique needs. Through ongoing engagement with practitioners from across the island, we aim to build strong referral networks that support timely IBD care.
In order to further improve timely access to care for IBD patients, particularly when flaring, we opened a nurse-run Flare Clinic at the Royal Jubilee Hospital in 2019.
IBD patients can be referred to the IBD Clinic through GI Central Access and Triage (GI CAT) at 1-888-398-7091 (fax). Your referral will be promptly triaged by a Gastroenterologist and directed to a physician with specialty.
Eligibility criteria for Colon Screening Program
Patients are NOT ELIGIBLE for the Colon Screening Program if they have:
Colon Screening referrals are to be made through the Colon Screening Program.